Unity ECS 1.0 Exploration: Making a Particle System - Part 1


Unity has now release ECS 1.0, and while it’s still not out of preview, it is supposed to be a lot more fleshed out. So I wanted to check it out for myself.

ECS is a very different architecture from what I’m used to with object-oriented programming. So this is also an exercice for me to get in the mindset of coding for ECS architectures.

To start with, I will recreate only a few properties from a traditional particle system, with the idea that I will add more over time.

In this article, I will explain how I made the following properties:

  • Spawn rate
  • Lifetime
  • Size
  • Color
  • Speed
  • Material
  • Mesh

Here’s what it looks like with those features:

Let’s break it down.

Spawning Particles

Particle System Components

To define a system, I created 3 components, ParticleSystemInfo, ParticleSystemData and ParticleSystemRenderData.

ParticleSystemInfo is meant to change at runtime and describe the current state of the system. ParticleSystemData is meant to be mostly read-only and contain all the particle configuration data. I grouped them along with a LocalToWorld component into a ParticleSystemAspect for simpler iteration.

public struct ParticleSystemInfo : IComponentData
    public double LastSpawnTime;
    public int ParticleCount; // Current number of living particles spawned by this system
    public int SpawnedCount; // Total count of particles spawned by this particle system since 

public struct ParticleSystemData : IComponentData
    public float Rate;
    public float Lifetime;
    public float Size;
    public float4 Color;
    public float Speed;

Particles Components

Each particle should only have the components that are relevant for its update. However, all particles still have common components:

public struct Particle : IComponentData
    public float Age;
    public float Lifetime;
    public float AgeOverLifetime;

public struct ParticleParent : ICleanupSharedComponentData
    public Entity Value;

Particle stores the basic info for this particle. AgeOverLifetime is the traditional 0 to 1 value used to animate some modifiers that change over time.

ParticleParent is a bit special. It is a ICleanupSharedComponentData meaning it will not be deleted when the particle is destroyed, giving a final opportunity for the developer to pickup the particle and execute some cleanup. I will use this in order to update the ParticleCount of the system that spawned this particle after a particle is destroyed. Checkout the clean-up section for a detailed explanation.

Particle Spawning System

Then, I simply have a system ParticleSpawningSystem from which I set the lifetime, parent, scale, and initial position of the particles.

protected override void OnUpdate()
    EntityCommandBuffer ecb = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.Temp);
    double time = SystemAPI.Time.ElapsedTime;
    foreach ((ParticleSystemAspect system, Entity e) in SystemAPI.Query<ParticleSystemAspect>().WithEntityAccess())
        if (system.Data.Rate == 0f)
        float particlesPerSecond = 1 / system.Data.Rate;
        if (system.Info.LastSpawnTime == 0f || time - system.Info.LastSpawnTime >= particlesPerSecond)
            Entity particle = ecb.CreateEntity();

            ecb.SetComponent(particle, new Particle {
                Lifetime = system.Data.Lifetime
            ecb.SetSharedComponent(particle, new ParticleParent { Value = e });
            ecb.SetComponent(particle, new LocalTransform {
                Position = system.Transform.Position,
                Rotation = quaternion.identity,
                Scale = system.Data.Size

            // Update system info
            system.Info.LastSpawnTime = time;

Here we have the particles spawning:


Destroy Entities

To managed the life of a particle, I created a ParticleLifeSystem. It will not only update the time on each particle, but also destroy them when they are passed their lifetime.

protected override void OnUpdate()
    float dt = SystemAPI.Time.DeltaTime;

    EntityCommandBuffer ecb = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.Temp);
    foreach ((RefRW<Particle> particle, Entity e) in SystemAPI.Query<RefRW<Particle>>().WithEntityAccess())
        particle.ValueRW.Age += dt;
        particle.ValueRW.AgeOverLifetime = math.saturate(particle.ValueRW.Age / particle.ValueRW.Lifetime);

        if (particle.ValueRW.Age >= particle.ValueRW.Lifetime)

Even though I call DestroyEntity in the ParticleLifeSystem, as explained in the Particles Components section, the ParticleParent component will keep the particle alive, but every other component will be removed. For properly removing the entity, I created another clean-up system.

Clean-up Entities

I wanted to have the ParticleSystemInfo.ParticleCount store the current number of living particles spawned by this system. So I created the ParticleCleanupSystem to update it after a particle has been destroyed. Here is what it does:

  1. Iterate through all unique ParticleParent.
EntityManager.GetAllUniqueSharedComponents(out NativeList<ParticleParent> particleParents, Allocator.Temp);
for (int i = 0; i < particleParents.Length; i++)
  1. For each parent, query all entities that have a matching ParticleParent but no Particle (meaning they need to be cleaned-up).
EntityQuery query = SystemAPI.QueryBuilder().WithAll<ParticleParent>().WithNone<Particle>().Build();
  1. Calculate how many particles we’re about to delete.
int count = query.CalculateEntityCount();
  1. Finally allow the particle to be destroyed by removing the ICleanupSharedComponentData. I pass the query directly for increased performance, as the count is really the value I care about, I don’t need to iterate through them all myself.
  1. Update the ParticleSystemInfo.ParticleCount with how many entities we be destroyed this update.
Entity spawnerEntity = particleParents[i].Value;
ParticleSystemInfo systemData = EntityManager.GetComponentData<ParticleSystemInfo>(spawnerEntity);
systemData.ParticleCount -= count;
ecb.SetComponent(spawnerEntity, systemData);

Once all put together, this is what the update loop looks like:

protected override void OnUpdate()
    EntityCommandBuffer ecb = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.Temp);

    EntityManager.GetAllUniqueSharedComponents(out NativeList<ParticleParent> particleParents, Allocator.Temp);

    for (int i = 0; i < particleParents.Length; i++)
        EntityQuery query = SystemAPI.QueryBuilder().WithAll<ParticleParent>().WithNone<Particle>().Build();

        int count = query.CalculateEntityCount();

        if (count > 0)
            Entity spawnerEntity = particleParents[i].Value;
            ParticleSystemInfo systemData = EntityManager.GetComponentData<ParticleSystemInfo>(spawnerEntity);
            systemData.ParticleCount -= count;
            ecb.SetComponent(spawnerEntity, systemData);



The cool thing with doing this is that I can call DestroyEntity from any system, and it will clean-up the entity alright, each system don’t have to handle also updating the ParticleSystemInfo.ParticleCount.


We have particles that spawn, let’s take care of the rendering so we can visualise what we’re doing from now on. I wanted to have the possibility to set a custom mesh on the spawner but use a default quad mesh when it is set to null.

I learned doing this experiment that rendering an entity in pure ECS, without using the GameObject conversion workflow is really hard! I’m not even sure I got it right here. I need to investigate more.

I needed to add a bunch of components to my entity. Namingly MaterialMeshInfo, WorldToLocal_Tag, RenderBounds, RenderFilterSettings, RenderMeshArray and WorldRenderBounds.

In my ParticleSpawningSystem I add an OnCreate method where I initialize the properties that won’t change.

protected override void OnCreate()
    m_QuadMesh = new Mesh();
    m_QuadMesh.SetVertices(new [] {
        new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0f),
        new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0f),
        new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0f),
        new Vector3(0.5f, -0.5f, 0f)
    m_QuadMesh.SetTriangles(new []{ 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 }, 0);

    m_QuadBounds = new RenderBounds { Value = m_QuadMesh.bounds.ToAABB() };

    m_Material = new Material(Shader.Find("Universal Render Pipeline/Unlit"));

I created a method to setup the rendering on a given entity.

private void SetupRenderer(ref EntityCommandBuffer ecb, ref Entity entity)

    ecb.SetSharedComponent(entity, new RenderFilterSettings {
        ShadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.On,
        Layer = 0,
        MotionMode = MotionVectorGenerationMode.Object,
        ReceiveShadows = true,
        RenderingLayerMask = 1,
        StaticShadowCaster = false
    ecb.SetSharedComponentManaged(entity, new RenderMeshArray(new[] { m_Material }, new[] { m_QuadMesh }));
    ecb.SetComponent(entity, MaterialMeshInfo.FromRenderMeshArrayIndices(0, 0));
    ecb.SetComponent(entity, m_QuadBounds);


In order to have the particles move, I introduced the ParticleVelocity component.

public struct ParticleVelocity : IComponentData
    public float3 Value;

Which I initialize in the ParticleSpawningSystem as the system’s forward vector multiplied by the speed.

float3 velocity = system.Transform.Forward * system.Data.Speed;
ecb.SetComponent(particle, new ParticleVelocity {Value = velocity});

Then, in order to update the position of the particles, I introduced a ParticleVelocitySystem. I simply iterate through all the particles with a ParticleVelocity component and modify the position.

public partial class ParticleVelocitySystem : SystemBase
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        float dt = SystemAPI.Time.DeltaTime;
        foreach ((RefRO<ParticleVelocity> velocity, RefRW<LocalTransform> localTransform) in SystemAPI.Query<RefRO<ParticleVelocity>, RefRW<LocalTransform>>())
            float3 translate = velocity.ValueRO.Value * dt;
            localTransform.ValueRW.Position += translate;

Improved Rendering

In order to have the particles look a bit better, I want to add three features. Billboarding, custom mesh and material, and customisable particle colour.

Billboard Shader

To achieve the billboarding, I decided to use a custom shader and therefore material for the particles. Here is the shader graph:

Here’s what the shader looks like applied to a default Unity quad:

Custom Mesh and Material

To apply the custom material to the particles, I need to store a reference to my material. I decided to introduce a third component on my system, the ParticleSystemRenderData. As it stores a reference to managed types, I needed to make it an ISharedComponentData. I also added an optional OverrideMesh field to support custom meshes instead of a quad.

public struct ParticleSystemRenderData : ISharedComponentData, IEquatable<ParticleSystemRenderData>
    private int m_Hash;
    public Material Material;

    public Mesh OverrideMesh;

    public ParticleSystemRenderData(Material material, Mesh mesh)
        Material = material;
        OverrideMesh = mesh;
        m_Hash = 0;

    public void RecalculateHash()
        m_Hash = HashCode.Combine(Material, OverrideMesh);

    public bool Equals(ParticleSystemRenderData other)
        return other.m_Hash == m_Hash;

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return obj is ParticleSystemRenderData other && Equals(other);

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return m_Hash;

In my ParticleSpawningSystem I can use those to setup the new particle:

private void SetupRenderer(ref EntityCommandBuffer ecb, ref Entity entity, in ParticleSystemRenderData systemRenderData)
    Mesh mesh = systemRenderData.OverrideMesh == null ? m_QuadMesh : systemRenderData.OverrideMesh;
    Material material = systemRenderData.Material;
    ecb.SetSharedComponentManaged(entity, new RenderMeshArray(new[] { material }, new[] { mesh }));



In my custom shader, I make sure to name my colour property _BaseColor, and the Override Property Declaration set to Hybrid Per Instance.

Then, I can leverage the URPMaterialPropertyBaseColor component, which comes out of the box with the entities rendering package.

ecb.SetComponent(particle, new URPMaterialPropertyBaseColor {
    Value = system.Data.Color

This component has a MaterialProperty tag set to "_BaseColor".

// Decompiled code

[MaterialProperty("_BaseColor", -1)]
public struct URPMaterialPropertyBaseColor : IComponentData, IQueryTypeParameter
    public float4 Value;

This is a feature of the Unity entities rendering package, which will apply the value of the component on the material automatically.


This was a ton of fun! It’s still very primitive, so I am planning on improving it over time and add more features.

What I want to do next

  • Effects over lifetime (velocity, colour over time)
  • Random between two constants
  • Spawn area shape
  • Baking the Unity particle system
  • Parallelise where possible using the Unity Job System